Learning WordPress.org All Over Again

It has been more than three years since I last edited or set up a WordPress.org blog and site. A lot has changed with some really great new features introduced, which are nice additions to have as a writer. Well, this experience has reignited my blogging engine again. With this said, is this experience enough to get me started creating content? Read on to find out.
Alex’s World! was born in 2007 while I was living in West Yorkshire, England. At that time, I started Alex’s World! with the domain name kakinan.com as a means to cover my day to day activities while did my undergraduate studies overseas. It was a vital way for me to document and communicate my overseas experience with my family. At that time, the World Wide Web (Web) was a much simple place. I had my content published publicly, and to my surprised, in two years, I had an actual following worldwide, which had about thirty to forty comments for every post I published. 😀
Ten years since the start of Alex’s World!, in August 2016, Alex’s World! had to come to a halt. Hit with a chain of family issues, I had to make a critical yet life-changing decision to relocate back with my family. This was a pivotal moment where I was suddenly thrown into a completely different era of juggling with adapting back to my family lifestyle (this was after living more than ten years independently overseas), parents illnesses, and finding a way to get a steady income. All of these activities consumed all the time I had, and creating content was least of my priority. It became so bad that there were chains of days where I barely slept of five hours. This episode lasted for about three years when this article was written.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) brought the world into a state of panic, but the process of lockdown in most countries, including where I was, bought me time to myself again, and precious time to rest.

After struggling so much, although I am back with my family, I am living independently again. With the newfound time, literally given by God, I started to rediscover music and creating content again. I know the world is a different place over the last three to four years, but I am back trying to find my place. Let’s see where this takes me to.
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V2 of the blog looks great! And I’m even more excited about the life ahead of you; you’re gonna do great.
Alexander Tan
Thank you, AL! Stay tuned for more action.