Postage stamp on an envelop

The Future of Postage Stamps

Postage stamp on an envelop

In this article, I want to hear the perspectives of postage stamps collectors and enthusiast have on the future of stamps. With the advancement of technology, the World Wide Web has replaced many of the traditional forms of communications, such as mailing letters and sending greeting cards. From my point-of-view, I do not see postage stamps going to be around in the next ten years!

One would argue that we still need stamps for sending deliveries and so on. However, many of these types of stamps are also replaced by digitally printed stamps. So I do not see the need for postage stamps. While I do have a soft spot for postage stamps, I find it more and more difficult to justify their purpose.

With this said, I am interested to find out what do stamps collectors and enthusiast think of the future of postage stamps? If you have a collection of stamps, what would you do with them? Has the value of these stamps become futile?


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